Woman in Black (Fortune Theatre)

Dark and gloomily set, this show is terrifying and so brilliantly played out, with only two, YES TWO!!! cast members performing the whole play. I absolutely love a good ghost story and after watching the theatrical version of this in the cinema, I had to see it!

The seating is a little uncomfortable but wherever you choose to sit, the view is great.

The Woman in Black herself was only a projection of her face when I saw it in early May 2016, however I have heard that they did cast someone to play the character recently as it adds more to the scare factor, as she runs down the aisles of the seats mid way through the play, screeching that horrible scream.

This is not for someone who hates 'scary' with a passion as it will creep you out and leave you on the edge of your seat the whole way through, I couldn't feel at ease at all watching this. There are not many jump scares in this play which is what I like out of a good horror (it's hard to pull of a jump scare without it being anti-climatic), I like tension building and subtle scares (such as seeing something creepy out the corner of your eye) and that's exactly what this play delivered.

I enjoyed this delivery of The Woman in Black and am hoping to see it again soon, but beware, wouldn't recommend if you have high blood pressure or hide behind a pillow watching horror films ;)


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