Singin' in the Rain - Sadlers Wells

Singin’ in the Rain is one of my ultimate favourite comfort films. I remember watching this with my grandad and singing along to all the songs in the film. To see it live was just as amazing. Honestly, I would say out of all the theatre shows I have seen so far, this was the best, because of the personal connection that it has with me and it’s just an old time classic. It had a mixture of feel good, romance, comedy and emotion that included all the songs that the film had, with just as amazing choreography from the cast.

Everyone who is anyone that hasn’t been living under a rock knows the plot to Singin’ in the Rain, so I want to talk more about the staging and performances given in this review.

The costumes were astonishing and eye catching and everything you would expect to see from a Hollywood film based theatre show. The performances of the songs were incredible as well as the vocals from all the cast, you couldn’t help but sing a long to all of them. The actress playing Lina La Monte was hilariously talented, from the voice to the actions and the timing of her characters comedy was insanely well done.

It’s a shame that it was only on for a limited time but I was so lucky to see it and to take my mum who is a big fan of the original film, we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

PSA - if you’re sitting at the front you will get wet, from the singing in the rain performance which was just brilliant to watch and I hope they bring it back soon so I can experience this! It looked so fun and you’re given a free yellow raincoat to shield you from getting soaked.

Absolutely brilliant show! BRING IT BACK


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