Wicked (Apollo Victoria Theatre)

I love the festive spirit of Halloween and thought it was fitting, considering it was halloween and I was going to see a musical based around the witches of the classic film that is The Wizard of Oz (fyi: I love Judie Garland) but what I found interesting when first seeing Wicked is that it is from the "bad" witches point of view (spoiler alert! She's not actually bad).

The costume design and staging is phenomenal, not even exaggerating, I'll remember the way the characters makeup and costumes were done and the props used for years to come. The musical side of this fit really well with the story, it was emotional without being cringe and I appreciated that, considering this was a family friendly show. The song 'Defying Gravity' when sung gave me shivers down my spine (in a good way) it was full of emotion and so well sung.

I loved the fact it was a turn of story showing the "bad witches" perspective of how she came about to be "the wicked witch", showing her emotion and how she was outcast for being different was a great way to tell the story and to give an important message to not judge someone off face value and there are always two sides to a story.

Wicked is without a doubt one of the best shows around the West End theatre scene and am hoping to see it again soon!


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