Hairspray! - The London Coliseum

 I have a huge fondness for musical theatre shows, so I booked tickets to go see Hairspray with my friend who also shares an equal love for them. 

Hairspray is definitely up there in my top 10 comfort films, especially one to watch on a hungover Sunday afternoon, so I had high expectations for the live show. Aesthetically, the show was almost like a cartoon show come to life in terms of the costume, staging and acting. The flamboyant nature of the show made for an enjoyable audience reception, which I feel is one of the most important elements when going to a theatre show. 

Everyone passed the vibe check and both my friend and I had such a great time! The films running theme of segregation between black and white, running parallel with the candy-coloured version of 1960 Baltimore paired well with getting the message across which still rings true in today's world with issues of race and discrimination. The show ultimately lays claim to a modern musical classic which has firmly cemented itself in the West End and arguable globally, being a great show for all ages. The show now stands more vital than ever in a landscape that has been changed by the Black Lives Matter campaigns.

The song I loved most from the film is "I Know Where I've Been" sung famously by Queen Latifah, so I had huge expectations hearing this song live. The standing novation given to Marisha Wallace was well deserved, hearing it live sent shivers all over my body! It was moving, emotional and powerful which is everything a song of that caliber should have, honestly goose-bump inducing.

The chemistry between the actors that play Edna and Wilbur Turnblad is hilariously sweet and I was excited most for them to be turning up on stage for their multiple hilarious scenes, especially the 'You're Timeless to Me" performance, coming close second to the aforementioned scene.

Ultimately, the show is truly life-enhancing and just great fun if you are looking for a feel good experience!


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